Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Piper crocatum


Foreword red plant (Piper crocatum) ornamental plants not only normal, but this plant is effective to cure the disease Diabetes mellitus and tumor.

In addition to DM and tumor red betel also be nutritious cure various diseases such as coronary heart disease, acid strand, hypertension, organ inflammation (tuberculosis, kidney, heart, and digestion), and the wounds that are difficult to recover.

A myriad of red betel savor it caused a number of the active compound in the uterus is, among other flavonoid, alkoloid, polevenolad, tanin, and oil asiri. Flavonoid compound and polevenolad are antioxidants, antidiabetik, antikanker, antiseptic, and anti-inflamasi. While the compound alkoloid nature antineoplastik who have also hindered the effective growth of cancer cells.

Red betel plant (Piper crocatum) included in the family Piperaceae, growing vine with heart-like leaf shape and learn a handle, which criss-cross growth of stem and leaf penampakan the red silvery and shiny.
Foreword red can be used in a way poach 1 - 3 pieces of fresh leaves in 2 glasses of water. Boiled leaves to the glass one. This stew of water and drink three divided 3 times daily before meals.
Praklinis test results in mice with extracts of red betel doses up to 20 g / kg body weight, safe and not be consumed toksik.

Foreword is not difficult in a culture. Even in the pot can also mushrooming. He does not like the heat and excessive water.
Media planting is simple, ie, a mixture of compost and soil with the comparison 1: 1. Plant disiram once a day, while to avoid the heat is too extreme or excessive rain water splash, pot can be moved to a safe place. Red betel may be through cangkok. Medium, compost leaves bamboo wrapped plastic cornea. Media cangkok spray once a day, within 2-4 weeks, red betel Anakan be separated from the mother plant.



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